Monday, June 11, 2012

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Bolton came in with two glasses of warm milk, for Clifford, so that he could quickly go to sleep, and Connie, to make it fatter again. It was the regular rule, which introduced the IFA. Bolton. Connie was glad to leave when she drank her milk, and well-being russian women, she did not have to help Clifford pack. She took the cup from him and put him on a tray, to endure. "Good night, Clifford! Sleep well. Racine lulls me. Goodnight! "She was leaving. She left without kissing him on the night. He watched her with sharp cold eyes. Here's how! She did not even kiss him after he read her the entire evening. What is the abyss of neglect! Even if the kiss was just a formality - a life built on such formalities. Really, it was a Bolshevik. Her instincts were the Bolshevik! It's cold and angry, he looked at the door by which she came. He was angry! And the horror of the night came upon him again. It has been a continuous web of nerves, and when he was engrossed in his work, and full of energy, or when not listening to the speaker in complete indifference - it followed the pre-alarm and a sense of danger that threatens the void. He russian women. Connie could protect him from this fear, when she wanted. But she no longer wanted - it was clear. It was cold and unfeeling in everything he did for her. He gave her all my life, but she was indifferent to him. She just always wanted to put on his own. Now it was absorbed by the thought of the child. It is only that this child was her only her fully, and not him! Clifford was a relatively healthy person. He looked so good, his shoulders were broad and strong, he had a strong chest - but at the same time, he was afraid of death. A terrible emptiness seemed to threaten him from somewhere, emptiness, and emptiness that its energy is decreased. Sometimes he felt that he is dead, long dead. And his pale bulging eyes took a strange expression - secretive and cruel, cold, and at the same time, almost defiant. - It was a strange expression - this caller opinion - he seemed to be triumphant over life in spite of herself. - "Who knows the secret force of will - because she triumphs over angels! "His horror was russian women night. Bane, nothing weighed on him from all sides. It was awful - there is not living, - no-life to exist in the night.

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