Monday, June 11, 2012

Do russian women make good wives

"Oh, I look at it, but I do not want to sit with them during the whole of tea."
"Oh!" - Cried Connie, looking at him with wide-open, eyes bleary.
She had not seen him actually - he was someone else.
"You'll feel so comfortable and cute in your living room, my lady, and MRS. Flint will be less shy than when Sir Clifford Ford," - said the. Bolton.
She was sure that Connie has a lover, and something to rejoice-gross in her soul. But who was he? Who? Maybe MRS. Flint could provide the key to russian women.
That evening, Connie russian women not his usual bath. The feeling of its proximity, the most tacky his seed were the road to it and somehow sacred. Clifford was not alone. He did not let her go after dinner, and she so wanted to be alone. She looked at him beseechingly, but still subdued.
"We'll play in anything or read to you - what do you want?" - He asked awkwardly.
"Read me", - said Connie.
"What? Poetry or prose? Or maybe a play?"
'Read Racine. "
Read Racine, in this the French style was one of the favorite skate Clifford in the past, but now he once rusty and too afraid of criticism, he preferred to listen to the thunder-russian women. But Connie was sewing a little dress of variegated silk, which she cut from one of their own dresses - for the child MRS. Flint. It is carved out of his even before dinner, and now sat, immersed in a soft, quiet bliss - and sewed under the monotonous sound of his voice. Internally, she heard the drone of passion, as deep echoes of the bells.
Clifford made a russian women of Racine. She understood the meaning of his remarks, when his words had been frozen.
"Yes, yes - she said, raising her eyes to him. - This large-molded."
And again he was afraid of fire deep blue of her eyes and her quiet stillness, and she has never been so absolutely quiet and soft. She helplessly fascinated with it as if a smell coming from her, intoxicated him. And he continued to read further, and the guttural sounds of the French language sounded to her like the wind in the chimney. She did not hear a single line of Racine.

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